The Gorston Widow

A question for the ladies: If you were a widowed noblewoman, living in a time when the powerful King Henry has recently beheaded his fifth wife, how would you feel if that King suddenly sent for you?

I don't know about you, but I'd be flipping terrified!

And that is precisely how Lady Miranda Gorston felt when King Henry VIII sent for her to go to court.

She knew, as did all his subjects, that the King did not like to stay single for long. He has just had Catherine Howard beheaded and even changed the law so that he could behead Lady Rochford as well.

You think perhaps the King has heard about you, heard how you visit your late husband's grave on a daily basis. Perhaps he thinks you need a new husband to take your mind off it. Perhaps he thinks you would like to be his Queen number six.

So you travel to London, trying to find any excuse for refusing a marriage, with every mile that goes by. Imagine your relief when you get there and discover that, far from wanting you for himself, the King is giving you to his new Earl, Lord Haverstock, who he has recently elevated.

But Miranda has a secret of her own and she does not trust her new husband enough to reveal it to him. Her daily visits to her late husband's grave must continue, and only she knows why.

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Copyright 2022 by Margaret Brazear