A Man in Mourning

The Wars of the Roses had been going on for nigh on a hundred years and at last it looked as though they were finally at an end. At least, if Henry Tudor sits securely on the throne they will be.

But whichever side men chose to fight for, the Yorks or the Lancasters, many lost their lives and one of those many was Lord Ian Westerby's brother and heir. 

Ian has to take a new wife and that is something he has never wanted to do.

For ten years Ian has mourned his lost love, his late wife, Eleanor. He visits her grave every day, he lives with her clothes, her jewels, everything. To him, she might return one day.

He has never bothered to look for a new wife because his brother is his heir. But that brother insists on fighting in the Battle of Bosworth and when he is killed Ian has a choice to make.

Either he takes a new wife and hopes to produce a new heir, or he allows everything he owns to go to the crown when he dies.

He is not a popular choice and neither is Lady Francesca Allinton, the bride his secretary has found for him. She was badly injured in a horseriding accident and is crippled with a twisted leg.

It seems it is a case of the best either of them can expect.

A Man in Mourning is available in Paperback or Kindle versions. Click here to buy or borrow through Kindle Unlimited.

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Copyright 2022 by Margaret Brazear